Asaph Screen Shots

These screen shots are of the program in various stages of its development, so there's no guarantee that the final product will look like this. In fact, the look has changed several times already, and probably will change again.

Taken 25 January 2004

Screenshot 19: Asaph 0.4.4 running on Windows XP.

Screenshot 20: The editor (version 0.4.4) on Windows XP.

Screenshot 21: The updated search dialog (version 0.4.4) on Windows XP.

Taken 18 January 2004

Screenshot 16: Asaph 0.4.4 running on Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther".

Screenshot 17: The preferences window (version 0.4.4) on Mac OS X.

Screenshot 18: The updated search dialog (version 0.4.4) on Mac OS X.

Taken 8 August 2003

Screenshot 15: Search dialog running on Mac OS X.

Taken 7 June 2003

Screenshot 13: Version 0.3.2 running on Windows XP with the Java 1.4.2 beta.

Screenshot 14: Version 0.3.2 running on Windows XP with the Java 1.4.2 beta, showing parts of the editor.

Taken 1 May 2003

Screenshot 10: Version 0.3 running on Mac OS X.

Screenshot 11: The song editor, version 0.3, running on Mac OS X.

Screenshot 12: Another song editor screenshot from version 0.3, again on Mac OS X.

Taken 17 March 2003

Screenshot 8: Another song editor screenshot, this time on Linux.

Screenshot 9: Yet another song editor screenshot, showing the edit menu commands.

Taken 21 January 2003

Screenshot 7: An early shot of the editor: a line in the song selected on Mac OS X.

Taken 5 November 2002

Screenshot 6: An early shot of the editor: modifying variations and chord systems on RedHat Linux 7.1.

Taken 30 October 2002

Screenshot 5: Running on Mac OS X using the Aqua look-and-feel. Also shows the database info window.

Taken 26 September 2002

Screenshot 4: Printing options, shown when a song is too large to print on one page at full size. Note that the database is an indexed-format database.

Taken 29 August 2002

Screenshot 3: Viewing two songs on RedHat Linux 7.1, showing the new menu format and song information pane.

Screenshot 2: Viewing two songs on Windows 2000, using the native Windows look-and-feel.

Taken 20 August 2002

Screenshot 1: Viewing a song on RedHat Linux 7.1.

The songs "My Everything" and "With You", featured in some of the screen shots, are written by my friend Joey Wandler, lead singer for King's Fools, a Christian band based in Seattle, WA. In addition to serving as the worship team at my church, Jubilee Evangelical Church, King's Fools has done a lot of good youth and college ministry work in this area, and they're also available to do gigs. :-)

The songs "God Of This Universe" and "Cry To You", featured in some of the screen shots, are written by Koti Hu, another local Christian musician and songwriter. Koti's first recording, Cody Who, is very highly recommended-- you can order it at DelicateFade, or pick it up at the Evangel bookstore in Bellevue if you live around here.

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Last updated on January 30, 2004